It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Zapier for marketing integration. There's very few other systems out there that help you glue together your website, CRM systems, marketing automation tools, and your productivity platforms without having to write any code. We've used it to make Wordpress sites talk to Base and GoToWebinar, and their use of webhooks allows you to connect just about anything to Zapier and then to just about anything else.
Last week, Zapier made some major revisions to their platform, including folders to organize your zaps.
Zapier Folders
I'm still getting the hang of the new design interface, but the folders were immediately helpful to organize the zaps that I create for clients. All you have to do is click the dropdown arrow next to a zap and select Move to select the new folder for your zap.
Zapier's New Zap Interface
It looks like Zapier is also testing some new ideas when it comes to the zap editor. It's really great to see them continue to push ahead with new features and a more sophisticated way to create powerful zaps.
If you're not using Zapier to save yourself some time or automate your business process, take a look at it today. You don't need to be a programmer to make Zapier pay for itself every month.
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